Inspiring Individuality for over 25 years
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Our Caravans 1997-2024 | Pricing and Building Options | Stained Glass Windows | Links to Other Builders | Vendor Wagons and Other Uses |
Contact: or 519-986-3157
Looking for a second-hand caravan? Email me to see if I have any at the moment.
Want to build your own caravan? Get inspired by this website that outlines all the steps. It's a great "how-to".
Welcome to a new year! This year is different - I'm designing and building two 8' caravans which I'll post for sale when they get close to finished. I also have two custom orders, so my spring will be as busy as usual.
The first 8' is partly made. It's a little library with bookshelves and a comfortable reading nook.
For the second I found a sale on cedar, so I'll be working with that lovely scented wood again. I haven't decided on a theme yet.
If you're interested in one of the 8's, please email me.
2024 saw 7 new caravans completed, two from 2023 and 5 new.
A Spring of Caravans Leaving!
Winter came early in 2022, leaving me with several caravans to finish in spring 2023. After they were complete, the next was a 12' wagon for Pennsic 50.
lightweight, easy to tow
I made 4 vendor wagons this season, 3 on 6' trailers and 1 on an 8' base. To keep down both costs and weight, I experimented with plywood for the 8'.
I was able to keep the cost of each one around $5500Cdn
10' Vendor wagon
Show wagon with special under-floor storage
9' vardo with a 2' porch
Mediaeval Cottage heading to Pennsic 2022
Elliot's Gnome Home
5' high, 3'x5' base, now entirely a play space, but can have bunk beds added later when Elliot is older (he's only 2)
Other 2021 Projects
a 12' mobile health clinic,
an 11' library bookmobile,
and an 8' backyard retreat.
Our 2019 Vendor Wagon at its first event:
Summer 2019: an onsite build,
COMPLETED in 9 days!
A 'homewagon' for the municipality of Neebing, Ontario. Based on the Journey's Middle series of children's books by Barbara Parent, it will be set up in the municipality's park.
Building started on Saturday August 17 in the Neebing municipal garage!
from an empty trailer to a floor and the start of the framing and back wall
lots of board sanding and painting by helpers Barb and Celeste, ledges complete, front wall framing
Fantastic progress! Front wall, side frames, both curved ends, and lots more painting.
We stopped early for a trip to the Diamond Willow Amethyst Mine!
roof beams and more painting and lots of visitors!
lots of trim cut and ready, and the first two layers of the roof
over half the outside trim; windows installed; starting the interior
more trim, installed the metal roof, and worked on the sliding door for the wall over the trailer hitch
Here's where I've been working all week - a 20 minute drive south of Thunder Bay!
Two big bays and great company:
Today's success: finished the (almost invisible) sliding door in the front wall, and installed the Dutch doors. Painted, painted and painted, and added more trim. Almost done!
Thank you to my hardworking volunteers: Barb, Celeste, and Bob.
Barb, you kept the details in focus for me; Celeste, you sanded and painted like a pro; and Bob, you kept us smiling, while you got a lot of work done.
Without the three of you, the project would not have run so smoothly and so fast.
Other 2019 Projects
with two single beds instead of a double or queen, and outside trim to disguise the (boring) straight side walls
Lots of build-ins, but it still feels spacious
now at home in the woods by a river
heading to Pennsic, 2019
# 4
vendor wagon for chimney cakes, an Eastern European delight, situated in Pennsylvania
vendor wagon for Lailokens Awen incense, to be completed spring 2020
Other Delights:
Check out this great little market truck by Chris Stark:
Our #50 and the best yet!
Finished and delivered to NERO Canada site June 28
This is Pam's third caravan. (The others were built in 2000 and 2013)
A year in the making, it has every feature she could imagine!
The interior represents countless trips to flea markets and thrift stores.
The penny table took up space in our living room for weeks, and she filled the winter hours with creating the stained glass windows.
Now, she can enjoy it! Happy dreaming!
September 2018
August 2018
this is a vendor wagon, with selling space on three sides
Check out for pictures of the completed caravan in use (and to see their awesome goods for sale)
August 2018
July 2018
May 2018
June 2018
May 2018
2017 Projects:
ON SITE BUILD in Prince Edward County, Ontario
Day 1:
Day 2:
walls up
ready to cut the 1st curve
Day 3:
most of the roof, the bed
Day 4:
finished the under-roof, started the windows
Day 5:
the interior is starting to take shape
Day 6:
half day of trim and windows, then home
Return trip: metal roof, front door, bay window. The finishing will happen after I leave.
10' Sloped sided Caravan. Varnished pine with stained accents.
TWO caravans for Amherst Island, Lake Ontario
Mongolian Luggage Cart with collapsible ends for Pennsic 2017
Steampunk! I'm making it for myself 'just because', but if it interests you, get in touch!
Visiting Nancy's Brigadoon down the road. Still no door...
At Creemore Springs' Turas Mor and vintage festival:
Painted Cedar 11' Ledge Wagon for Pennsic
13' Straight sided Pennsic 2017
7' Ledge Caravan with an old, weather-worn look. It's an 1867 photographer's wagon.
Finish It Yourself!
This is as much as I am doing on this caravan. The owners will do all the finishing work and painting! The herring bone pattern took longer to do, but looks terrific!
Stained Glass Ideas
Plywood Option
Small plywood version of the cedar reading room but less than half the price
9' Ledge Wagon for Pennsic 2016
The tongue and groove pine siding was cut for us locally. The doors were made in the same shop.
8' Ledge with built-in crib for NERO Canada
11' x 6' straight sided full time living space
A fully-insulated chicken coop, on a simple 4'x5' trailer. `The girls` are happy in their new home and laying delicious country eggs in the spacious boxes.
After the first, I suddenly found myself building a second chicken coop, in a hurry, to be ready for the Georgian Homesteading and Survival Show. Building in modular pieces with plywood is certainly faster!
Next, my cedar reading room caravan.
Many thanks to Skip Izon, of Shadow River Boatworks, for cutting the boards for the cedar strip ceiling.
The writing desk in front of the bay window converts to a bed.
Minnie, from 2012, at a pumpkin festival in October 2015
Here's a FABULOUS look!!! Nancy's horse drawn caravan!
The decoration is Value Village and personal nostalgia, and the effect is stunning! She says it's finished, but.....
Whether you build your caravan yourself or I help you, my goal is to foster your creativity and bring your dream to life.
Gypsy Camp at NERO Canada
In March 2013 I drove to Wisconsin to visit Circus World Museum.
Imagine being surrounded by these awesome circus wagons!
To inspire you, here are 2 groups dedicated to caravan building:
Other Recent Caravans
The BEARAVAN, a playhouse for two small boys
8' Ledge, now at NERO Canada
11' Ledge, also at NERO Canada
11' Cedar Ledge
(519) 986-3157 or